
Thursday, June 13, 2013

The amethyst - stone of wisdom

Jewelries are a gorgeous gift on Mother's Day and women's day, especially if they mean something. The value of the jewelry is enhanced by the symbolism behind the materials that are made of, and the stones, either precious or semiprecious, are no exception. One of the stones rich in symbolism is the amethyst and with numerous jewelry designs, you have something to enjoy.

Considered for a long time a valuable gemstone because of its color from violet to purple, the amethyst is one of the most valuable varieties of quartz. About the amethyst it is believed it can turn into love energy, reduce stress and give a state of peace of mind. The name amethyst comes from the Greek amethustos - appearing drunk.

In ancient times, the amethyst was a rare stone. Wine glasses were made from amethyst, it is believed that  who was sipping a drink from such a container was less prone to the risk of getting drunk.

The amethyst became famous only at the beginning of the twentieth century with the discovery of major deposits in Brazil and Uruguay. For a long period, Brazilian fields were so heavily exploited that the price amethyst greatly decreased. Today, the amethyst has a wide geographical spread, which makes this gorgeous gemstone no longer to compete with diamonds, rubies or emeralds, although its beauty is no less important than the stones mentioned. The quality of amethyst differs greatly from one geographic area to another. For example, in Uruguay amethyst extract is characterized by a remarkable chromatic richness. Worldwide, the most valuable deposits of amethyst are in the Ural Mountains and the island of Ceylan.

There are two types of amethyst, both extremely beautiful. First, the oriental amethyst, also known as purple sapphire and has all the characteristics of sapphire and ruby. The second type, the Western amethyst , also known as genuine amethyst, that is a form of quartz. Amethyst color changes at high temperatures, becoming paler. It also tends to whiten when exposed to light.

At the psychological level, the amethyst is known for its beneficial action to combat stress, anxiety or insomnia moods and various types of addiction. The amethyst is thought to drive away obsessive thoughts, defend dreams and facilitates understanding. It is a stone that boosts willpower and motivation, with the ability to enhance concentration, that's why it is recommended to students.

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